Tuesday 4 October 2011

Meredith Kercher murder-Amanda Knox acquital. What of our approach to evidence?

I haven't been following this sorry case in detail but heard the extensive reporting. Now Amanda Knox, one of three people convicted of this appalling murder, has been freed.

the Italian authorities have been criticised for having a cavalier disregard for due process and the rules of evidence and approaching the case with their minds already made up. I do not know whether this is true or not, just that it is now the official story.

a reporter on BBC radio said this morning,

'It seems that the authorities accepted the evidence that supported their case and disregarded the evidence that did not.'

This immediately made me think of evolutionary 'science' which routinely does the same, and always has since 1859.

A topical example: a lot of fuss has recently been made about some feathers found preserved in amber which have been pronounced dinosaur feathers (which are needed to support the evolutionary conclusions which have already been reached and declared sacrosanct). However, there was no evidence linking the feathers to unequivocal dinisaur remains. This FACT has been sidelined, although it obviously renders the 'evidence' worthless. However, people who don't know any better will have heard this one sided presentation of flimsy evidence and thought

'Yay! more mountains of overwhelming evidence to prove those dumb ass creationsts wrong!'

On the other hand, the much more important findings of semi liquid blood encased within fossil t. rex femur has barely been reported outside creationist web sites. That is because it raises major questions about how old dinosaur fossils really are, questions which might challenge evolutionary orthodoxy and which are therefore impermissible.

So, the Italian police (If guilty as alleged) are not the only people who are highly selective with the evidence and sometimes approach it with their minds already made up.

I do not know whether Amanda Knox is guilty or innocent, and it is probably none of my business. However, Meredith Kercher remains dead.

When we face God on Judgment Day we will all get perfectly fair trials. ALL the evidence will be on record, it will be undeniable, and there will be no lying weaselly lawyers with their tricks. And no plea bargaining or appeal. The only chance of a succesful appeal for guilty sinners like me is now, through Christ.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Elwin, you're a hoot! Your naive ignorance is more entertaining than the old Benny Hill Show!

    On the other hand, the much more important findings of semi liquid blood encased within fossil t. rex femur has barely been reported outside creationist web sites.

    Er...no. What was found wasn't 'semi-liquid blood'. What was found were mineralized trace amounts of organic tissues like collagen, suspected small blood vessels, and suspected nucleated red cells. Only after demineralization with an acid wash could the trace organics be examined. There was no 'spurting blood' like those Creationist dimbulb websites portray. The find is astounding because it showed that under certain rare conditions minerals could permeate a bone before complete fossilization and preserve organic material. However, it doesn't cast scientific doubt on the age of the specimens in the slightest.

    Here is an interview with Mary Schweitzer herself, the scientist who made the discovery, dispelling many of the false YEC claims

    Mary Schweitzer on T-Rex blood

    You guys are so desperate to back up your YEC beliefs that you'll swallow any horsecrap from any anti-science religious website.

    Here's a hint: if you don't want to propagate the image of the typical dumb ass Creationist, stop posting such dumb ass Creationist claims.


feel free to comment, good manners and lucidity are appreciated.