OK, so what is the intelligent design hypothesis?
This question can best be addressed by studying the books at
the heart of the movement. These would be (in my view and I would suggest by
common consent) 'Darwin's Black Box' and
'The Edge of Evolution' by Michael Behe and 'Signature in the Cell' by Stephen
Cue snorts and retorts from the 'Behe has been refuted many, many
times.' brigade. Behe has indeed been cursed, derided and misrepresented many,
many times but his arguments have not been refuted, even if they have had to be modified to a limited extent. I'll come to that later.
We are discussing what kind of thing ID is: the question of whether its
principal protagonists are right or wrong in their arguments is obviously very
important but peripheral to the question 'Is
intelligent design religion?'
In 'Darwin's Black Box' Behe considers several biological
processes in detail and asks whether Darwinian mechanisms (natural selection
acting on random mutations) are capable of having built such systems. By
meticulous study of the details of the systems, which include the clotting of
blood, sight (photosensitivity) and the immune system. Behe develops the concept
of 'irreducible complexity' in which we find that sophisticated machines in which many parts work together to achieve a
particular outcome tend to fail completely when one part is removed or wrongly
assembled. Behe uses the analogy of a regular mouse trap to lead into the much more
sophisticated nanomachinery of a bacillary flagellum. If any one part of the mouse trap, let alone the flagellum is taken
away, or is even slightly wrong (for example, if the spring of the mouse trap is
too strong or too weak, the trap does not catch FEWER mice, it catches NO mice.
As an example of the poor reasoning which
opponents of Behe and intelligent design are willing to use rather than admit
he might have a point, one opponent (Ken Miller) has made a video in which he
uses a broken mouse trap as a tie clip. He claims that this refutes Behe's irreducible
complexity argument, although in fact he is only using typical Darwinian 'could have' assertions. On another web site I saw a series of drawings
which claimed to show functional mouse traps in varying degrees of
functionality. But none of the traps would in fact have worked. Presumably
their proposers know this because these 'might have been' traps remain drawings. Nobody to my knowledge (I'm happy to be corrected on this, comments are not moderated or censored) has made working
models and used them to catch real mice. I don't think any of them would work. What's more, any spring based trap has to
actually be SET and BAITED, which can't be explained without an intelligent
external agent. More importantly, the mouse trap analogy is many orders of
magnitude less sophisticated than the simplest biological system.
But even if we can debate the validity of the mousetrap
analogy, we note that Behe hasn't got anywhere near talking about religion or
creation. He is just testing a scientific hypothesis-that biological structures
like the eye can develop gradually by steady slow improvement, or whether this
(like the fake mousetraps referenced above) is merely a philosophical
abstraction which would not deliver working structures that progresses from
good to better to best by unguided processes in real life.
meaningful versus meaningless complexity
Stephen Meyer mainly uses mathematical arguments in his book
'Signature in the Cell' . The book could in my view do with being about 40%
shorter, but the long preamble is all about the mathematics. Meyer studied the discovery
of DNA at Cambridge and his central argument is about meaningful versus
meaningless information. This is very important when we are talking abotu
probabillity. If we could assign a number to the precise spatial arrangement of
all the grains in a cubic metre of sand, it would be a stupefyingly massive
number with effectively zero probability of it being repeated randomly.
Nevertheless, the number evidently did occur once. This argument or one like it
is used against those who (like me) assert that the probability of life
assembling itself is so small that it can be discounted, because 'Given enough
time, anything could have happened'. However, this sand number is utterly meaningless.
Plot the spatial arrangement of grains in a billion, billion, billion etc cubic
metres of sand, they will all have highly complex and rare numbers but all be the
exact same kind of dead inanimate thing. Meyer successfully explains the
difference between random complexity and purposeful complexity.
In the nucleotide sequences found in DNA, we also have
stupefyingly unlikely numbers, BUT they carry coded information which DOES
something. When transcribed and used to build amino acids in correct sequences
into proteins by intracellular nanomachinery (which has all the appearance of
being purposefully designed and does in fact behave purposefully) we see that the
information carried on DNA is PURPOSEFUL.
Meaningful information is never seen to emanate from a non intelligent source.
Having explained what we mean by a meaningful piece of
information (which could be as simple as a rhyming couplet) Meyer argues that
there is no example in any field of human study where a meaningful piece of
information has ever arisen from a non intelligent source. He argues from this
that if we use the same principles that Darwin and Lyell used in their
reasoning (the key to explaining effective causes in the distant unobserved
past is the study of effective causes/repeatable events today) then we should logically
deduce that since meaningfully complex things ARE routinely seen to arise from
designing intelligences but NEVER observed (where we know the cause by direct
observation) to arise from non rational causes, we should reasonably conclude
that the high order magnitude meaningfully complex things that we see in nature
had a designer.
Random DNA changes are observed to degrade information
As Behe, Meyer and other ID advocates observe, even
relatively small changes in the DNA nucletotide sequences lead to wrongly assembled
proteins which will not function normally. In another book which uses ID
arguments 'Genetic Entropy: the Mystery
of the Human Genome' by geneticist john Sanford, the author speaks of 'near
neutral' mutations. these are analogous to small, infrequent spelling mistakes
which we initially compensate for but which will inexorably and inevitably
convert a meaningful piece of written information into illegible junk. The same
thing is happening with the human genome, and it would happen very much faster
if it were not for the incredible DNA check and repair mechanisms we have which
detect and correct most mutations.
The above is a very short overview of some of the arguments
used by prominent intelligent design advocates. Although to my knowledge Behe,
Meyer and Sanford are all Christians, the key arguments advanced in the books mentioned
above do not rely on God, faith or the Bible but only meticulously reasoned science.
In particular, the complex and purposeful nature of the information carried on
DNA which instructs cellular nanomachinery to build correct proteins.
DNA mutations are seen to be harmful, sometimes lethal.
If the
information is corrupted by random alterations (mutations) the tendency is for
the protein to become less functional or to fail completely, leading to less
fit or dead plants, animals and people. The genetic disease Xeroderma Pigmentosum
(caution, disturbing images) illustrates this very effectively by showing
us what happens when our DNA check and repair mechanisms do not work properly.
60% XP of sufferers are dead by age 20.
If ID is religious, is Darwinism anti-religious?
So far, we have seen no evidence that intelligent design
hypothesis is religious. Admittedly, I have not proved it isn't religious, but
all I have cited above (and you can read the books and judge for yourself) is a
fair reflection of typical ID arguments. But if we accept that ID is not
religious, does ID have a religious agenda? That's an interesting question,
which must be considered with the opposite question 'Does evolutionism have an
anti-religious agenda?'.
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